A few thoughts on Grammar and Life
Hi dear friends :) I'm not gonna lie, I tried to write a blog post on grammar for my writing class about three different times. Despite the pressure of the time crunch, and my sudden memory of the fantastic 7th grade musical film my friends and I made turning punctuation marks into the characters from Dr. Suess's Are You My Mother? (complete with costumes and original music for each character to sing about their grammar function)...despite these things...each attempt turned into an uninspired sentence or two before I resolved to go to bed. But then, at the most inconvenient time, of course , I had a striking moment of inspiration. In true Sophi fashion, my thoughts on grammar have less to do with grammar, and more to do with life. As many of you may know, I am in the musical Oliver! put on by George Fox University Theatre. I had a brief moment where I was waiting backstage during a scene, and I started thinking about the show and people's responses an...