Peanut Butter and Jelly on the beach. {A timeless classic.} Ingredients: 1. Approximately 3 Jelly cups from the hotel complimentary breakfast 2. Exactly 2 peanut butter cups...also from the hotel complimentary breakfast. 3. One slice of Trader Joe's sourdough sliced bread Ok ok so you probably already know how to make a PB and J sandwich. But if you are a true connoisseur like me, you know that the type of Jelly or Peanut Butter hardly matters when you are eating a PB and J on the beach. With sand on your toes, salt in your hair, and the remains of the beach water on your skin, the absolute best thing is a classic peanut butter and jelly matter what type of peanut butter or jelly was used in the making. Maybe it's the peanut butter and jelly sandwich, or maybe it's the beach...but I think there is something about both, together, that inevitably brings one to a state of reflection. Everything else fades away but the crash of the waves...
Hi!! Hey there! Yeah you! I'm thrilled your reading this today. You know why? Because I want to tell you that you are freaking. loved. Now that you know that I guess I should tell you what your getting yourself into reading this. I have always loved writing and for some time now I have wanted to start a blog. I feel like I am constantly narrating life internally, weaving stories from my surroundings and filtering my thoughts into mental journal entries. Now I feel God calling me (again) to write a blog. And guys I desperately just want to do it already!! But the perfectionist in me also desperately wants to wait until I have the perfectly curated blog post written. Until the blog is perfectly laid out with just the right colors and pictures. But...I've been down that road. And it never leads to me actually posting anything. SO this time I'm just going to do it. I'm just going to post this raw, messy blog post of me telling you that I'm going to write way...
There’s something so unnatural about being in your early 20s. About becoming an adult. I’m not married, with children, building my own family. Yet, I’m not living at home, under my mother and father’s care, direction, and schedule. This is not a misogynistic statement saying women need men or women must have children to have purpose . I’m all for women being independent (well, I think we all are dependent on people…woman or man…but that’s beside the point). This is me, a newly twenty year old, sitting in a coffee shop, thinking back to moments with my family growing up, and thinking about how much I miss my Mama, and realizing…I don’t live with my family anymore. Thinking about the fact that I haven’t had my family by my side (physically) for two consecutive months now. I’ve done this before…gone months at a time without them. After all, I am a junior in college now. This is my fifth semester living away from home. But…it is SO strange. I mean..I hav...
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