"It’s the most wonderful time of the year!!" (Sung to the tune of 'It's The Most Wonderful Time of the Year')
Well, it certainly is full of wonder. As cheesy as that classic phrase is, when you break down the word--”wonder…full” it does sum up this season of heavy reflection. Wonder exists in two different definitions. Wonder as “awe”...the kind of wonder we experience when witnessing something of majesty. Wonder that is worship. There is also wonder in which we question something…we ask and think critically…maybe look at something in a new light. Often in my directing and acting classes we use the phrase “I wonder about…” to give feedback. This holiday season I have found myself filled with both kinds of wonder: curiosity and awe.
Wonder at the miracle of Christ’s birth. Wonder at the virgin Mary. And the shepherds and the bright star. Wonder at the future--where will I live this summer? What will I do when I graduate? Will I go on any trips…save up to buy a car?? Wonder at family dynamics…how have my relationships changed in the last six months of long distance with family? What have I missed? How has my family grown? Wonder at the miracle of my mom’s continued healing. Wonder at every step, hug, errand, meal she prepares. Wonder at the ways God has been so near and dear these last six months. How He has revealed Himself more intimately and deeply through the grief I experienced over my mom’s health issues. Through the growing pains of getting older. Through ministry at Kidder Creek -- all its challenges and blessings. Through community in church, school, theatre, and camp.
This last year I discovered I am a sojourner. A traveler. A wanderer full of wonder. No place truly feels like a forever home because it isn’t…I wasn’t made just for life on this Earth, I was made for a heavenly home that will satisfy for all eternity. God has given me purpose and meaning in this life here and now, but He has also made me for eternal life with Him. Home is when I rest contented in His arms. And my surroundings become temporary homes full of laughter, grief, warmth, food, fellowship, hospitality, joy, and adventure in different seasons of life. Every glimmer of home I experience in this life is a gift from Him.
So while the holidays don’t always feel merry and bright they certainly are wonderful. They spark an element of wonder that leads me on my knees in worship and strikes up questions and reflections aplenty. I am entering this new year with many questions and open paths. But I am also entering the new year with a new sense of gratitude at the ways God has been faithful this last year and a trust that He will be faithful in the next. I’ve traded a 2024 bucket list for empty hands and a full heart. I’ve traded certainty for wonder. What an exciting adventure it is to be surprised by Jesus. What will this next year hold? I don’t know, but luckily God has given me an imagination and called me to be a dreamer. So with open hands and an open heart (well, mostly, I am constantly failing at this but thank God’s good grace He keeps opening them again)...I dream. I wonder.
Have fun dreaming friends.
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