Are You Ready Boots...Keep Walking!
As I approach graduation, I am often faced with the question, "Are you ready?" Well meaning friends and family, or my own mind, ask me this question repeatedly. Honestly, I struggle to know the answer. Am I ready? Will I get everything done before graduation? Will I ever feel ready to spread my wings and fly into the next season of adulthood? I am honestly not the most qualified judge of my own readiness. I struggle sometimes in the midst of challenge and change to believe in myself and my capabilties. But I have been blessed this semester to be encouraged and pushed by the tough love of my professors. I was consistently behind in assignments for journalism and trying to communicate with my professor in order to convince myself that I could complete everything, despite the looming lack of time. Despite my efforts, I don't know that I really believed I could do it all. "You'll get it done. I know you will," said Melanie, my journalism professor, with simpl...