
Turkey, sweet potatoes, rolls, mountains of mashed potatoes topped with gravy, and casserole dishes full of foods you never thought could or should be in a casserole. For many this is only the beginning of a vast spread of traditional Thanksgiving dishes lining the dinner table for a holiday of abounding food, family and gratitude. Some families celebrate Thanksgiving intimately, with their immediate members and their families favorite traditional dishes. Other families engage in large reunions with distant relatives, throwing large parties of Thanksgiving classics to celebrate the holiday. For my family, it changes every year :) Growing up, I mostly remember spending Thanksgiving at one of two places. Some years we met at my Great Aunt's house in Stockton. They had a pool and land surrounding their house. Their golden retriever bounded around the backyard. The house was cozy and clean. We would color with my cousin Aaron, open an early Christmas present or two, and feast over or...